God is generous and so he calls us to be as well.  What we do with what God has given us shows the world where our hearts are at and helps proclaim the gospel. We want to glorify God with every area of our lives, and that includes what we do with our finances.

RiverTree Fairless relies on your generosity to fuel the incredible life change that we get to experience together. Our support comes from the regular tithes and offerings of those who love contributing to the kinds of things they see God doing in our church and community.

Ways To Give

Give Online

Online giving remains the most popular way to fuel the mission and vision of our church. It's safe and simple to set up whether you want to give one-time or set up recurring giving on your schedule.

Give In Person

Cash or Checks can be added to the offering during service. If you prefer, offering envelopes can be conveniently mailed each quarter to your home if you complete the request below and specify RiverTree Fairless in your request. Drop your envelope in the offering during service.

Text To Give

The perfect on-the-go option and available for one-time or repeating gifts. This option is great for people who want to actively participate in the offering time during in-person services but also want to give electronically. You can text to give any amount anytime.
TEXT THE WORD: RTFAIRLESS (uppercase/lowercase does not matter)
TO: 833-245-5420 and follow the instant reply instructions on the screen.